20 Minute Full Body Workout at Home in this session engages every single muscle of your body in a circuit fashion, multiple your workout results, and enhance your overall fitness. This article has a set of 18 best full body workout at home if you are looking for a quick workout that will give you an incredible transformation from home? This will help you burn out your entire major muscle groups i.e. your upper body, core, glutes, and legs in just 20 minute full body workout at home.
Working all your muscles together has a lot of benefits like Hitting all your major muscles, reducing the risk of muscle imbalances, keeping away chronic injuries like tendonitis and ligament issues. Moreover, these full body workouts also give you a cardiovascular boost which means you’ll increase your heart rate while also strengthening your muscles.
Training with just your bodyweight is powerful by itself!
Now, time to start sweating! Before jumping into this full body workout at home, spend five minutes to warm up: you can do some light cardio like jumping jacks, high knees, or marches, followed by some stretches that help to loosen up shoulders, hips, and quads.
Ready for a 20-minute full body workout at home? Here’s everything you need to stay fit from home!
Part 1 of Full Body Workout At Home

- Lower into a squat position with hands on your hips
- Simultaneously drive out of the squat and raise one hand overhead slightly turning your body to the opposite side of the hands raised.
- Come back to the Squat position and raise the other hand and slightly turn towards the opposite side.
- Repeat for specified reps
DURATION: 30 seconds

The dips are one of the best full body workout at Home without Any Equipment you can start today to build the upper body you can incorporate. They work your pectoral muscles, triceps, and deltoids. You have to support your entire body weight on your arms making it an essential workout for toning your upper arm.
- Sit on the edge of the chair and grip the edge with your fingers and slowly face forward. Your legs should be extended and your feet should be hip-width apart with heels touching the ground.
- With your arms balancing the weight of your body, slide off the chair and see that your back is clear from the edge of the chair.
- Lower yourself until your elbows are at an angle of 90 degrees, and then slowly push yourself up to the start point. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps

- Get into a modified pushup position, with your forearms to the ground and your elbows at a 90-degree angle, directly below your shoulders, with feet shoulder-width apart.
- Contract your abs, glutes, hamstrings, quads, chest, and every other muscle in your body to keep your body steady.
- Now raise your left arm and point it towards 10 o’clock. Hold it for 2 seconds, and then lower it back to the ground.
- Repeat the same with your right arm, but this time point it to 2 o’clock. Hold this position for 2 seconds, and then lower it to the ground. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps
Inchworms Exercise

- Begin with standing towards the end of the mat.
- Bend your body forward and walk your hands out in front of you on the floor, keeping your feet in place.
- Continue walking your arms out from the plank position. Your arms should be above your head and your feet should still be straight.
- Start walking your feet toward your hands with small steps.
- Continue inching your body up until your feet meet your palms, and then repeat the movement.
DURATION: 30 seconds
20 Sec
Water Break.
And Continue Full Body Workout At Home Session
Part 2 of Full Body Workout At Home
Long Arm Crunches Workout

- Lay on your back with your knees bent, pointed to the ceiling.
- Take your arms and place them over your head.
- Keep your arms locked out as you are going to work your abs to crunch your upper body upwards.
- Lower your shoulders down to the ground again. This completes one repetition.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps
Reverse Crunches Workout

- Lie down keeping your arms by your sides. Raise your legs so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are bent at a 90° angle.
- Breathe out and contract your abs to bring your knees up towards your chest, and then raise your hips off the floor. Hold for a second in this position, and then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps
Bent Leg Body Twist Workout

- Lie on your back and place your arms straight out to the sides so that your body is stable during the exercise.
- Then, bend your legs at a 90° angle and rotate them all the way to the left using your arms for balance.
- Now, rotate your legs all the way to the right the same way. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps
Bicycle Crunches Workout

- Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed against the ground.
- Put your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but do not pull on your neck.
- Take your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure your upper body is moving and not just your elbows.
- Now switch sides and do the same thing on the other side. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps

- Allow your shoulders and lower back to rest on the floor.
- Draw your shoulders down away from your ears. To get to the starting position, lift your hands so your elbows are perpendicular to your shoulders and your fists are towards each other.
- Lift your legs so your knees are perpendicular to your hips.
- As you exhale, slowly lower your right arm and left leg until they’re above the floor.
- As you inhale, come back to the starting position. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps
30 Sec
Water Break.
And Continue Full Body Workout At Home Session
Part 3 of Full Body Workout At Home
Cross Knee Planking

- Begin in a plank position with your shoulders square to your wrists; keep your feet together and your body in a straight line.
- Pull your right knee near your belly to touch your left elbow, and then release back to start position.
- Now pull your left knee near your belly to touch your right elbow, and then release back to the start position. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds
Froggy Glute lifts

- Start by lying on your stomach with your knees touching the ground; bend your knees to lift your feet up, keeping the soles of your feet touching together. You’ll need to spread your knees to do this.
- Keep your core tight and press your feet together firmly and try to raise them as vertically as possible upward! Your knees should come off the ground by several inches, and you’ll need to really squeeze your butt to get your feet up.
- Lower your feet down again, without touching your knees to the ground this time. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds*2 reps
Donkey kicks

- Start on your fours: knees hip-width apart, hands under your shoulders, neck, and spine neutral.
- Bracing your core, begin to lift your right leg, with your knee bent, foot flat, and hinging at the hip.
- Use your glute to press your foot directly toward the top and push upwards.
- Return to the starting position. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 20 seconds*2 reps
In and Out Workout

- Begin with keeping your feet twice the shoulder-width apart or as comfortably spread apart as you can, while still maintaining a firm stance.
- Next, you have to drop your butt down slightly while keeping your head up and a natural arch in your lower back. This is the starting position.
- Begin the exercise like you would do a jumping jack, except that you keep your arms out in front of you. Bring your feet together to about hip-width apart and immediately push off the ground and return to the starting position. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds
30 Sec
Water Break.
And Continue Full Body Workout At Home Session
Part 4 of Full Body Workout At Home
- Start in a plank position with your arms extended and hands under your shoulders and feet together. Your body should be in a straight line starting from your head to your heels.
- Jump both feet out wide to each side as if you were doing a horizontal jumping jack.
- Come back to plank position as you quickly jump your feet back together.
- Continue to jump back in and out. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds

- Get into a plank position and distribute your weight evenly between your hands and your toes.
- Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can.
- Switch legs, one knee out and the other knee in. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds
Frog Press Workout

- Lie on your back with your knees, keep it bent to 90 degrees, turn them outwards like a frog. Make sure to keep your heels pressed together while flexing your feet towards you.
- Tighten your stomach and crunch; lift your head and shoulders from the floor, holding the very same position. Place your arms down by your side, and stay above the floor.
- Straighten your legs away from your body at a 45-degree angle. Return to the starting position. Repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 30 seconds

- Begin with the plank position, face down with your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows should be perpendicular to your shoulders and your forearms facing forward. Your head can be relaxed and you should be looking at the floor.
- Ensure your shoulders are down, not facing up toward your ears. Stay as long as needed and repeat as necessary.
DURATION: 1 minute

- Kneel on the floor with your toes together and your knees kept hip-width apart. Rest your palms your thighs.
- As you exhale, bring your torso between your knees. Extend your arms along your torso with your palms facing down. Relax your shoulders towards the ground. Rest in the pose for as long as needed.
DURATION: 30 seconds
Try to Repeat Full Body Workout At Home Series Two times a day or at least once a day.
The best part about this routine? This is the kind of routine that you can do about every day. As you do the workout more and more you’ll start to see yourself improving at each move and eventually, you will start increasing the number of reps you can do. At some point, you’ll feel you need more or something extra and that’s when you can implement equipment like dumbbells or bands if available. Try incorporating these workouts into your everyday routine and you will see the difference for yourself!
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