Push-ups are the simplest bodyweight exercises for the upper body because it helps to create strong chest, shoulders, abs, and arms. In this article, we are going to discuss the 4 easy types of push-ups to do. They’re one among the foremost basic, yet effective home workouts you’ll perform due to the number of muscles that are involved to perform the exercise. The pushups are especially beneficial for building upper body strength. They strengthen the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders.
When it’s performed with proper form, they also work the lower back and core by bringing the abdominal muscles into action. It’s also an efficient exercise to enhance arms and chest without the gym or any fancy equipment. There are numerous different variations to this particular exercise that will target your entire upper body, helping you to not only build muscle but to strengthen your arms and chest at the comfort of your home.
Here are the 4 Types Of Push-ups That You Are Doing Wrong
Knee Push-ups

You would have known them as “girl push-ups” previously. Regardless of their title, knee push-ups often get a bad rap like “they’re too easy”, they’re “cheating,” or “they’re hard on your kneecaps”. But science begs to differ. Knee push-ups are a legit upper-body exercise. They’re the perfect starter to standard push-ups. Although it’s true that the traditional pushup can be more difficult, performing pushups with bent knees won’t hinder your strength and fitness goals. If you perform enough repetitions and promote muscle growth, the type of pushups you choose does not matter; as it is not about superior effectiveness but about preference.
- Kneel on the floor.
- Extend your arms and keep your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor in front of you.
- Tighten your abs and bend your arms,
- Lower your upper body and let your torso touch the floor.
- Push the torso backs up by straightening the arms. Slow and steady, baby.
- Rinse and repeat.
1 of 4 Types of Push-ups

Wall pushups are apt for beginners or anyone with a shoulder injury. This sort of pushup helps build shoulder and chest strength but places reduced loads on the muscles. It works the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and chest. If you’re almost there, wall pushups are an excellent start line, and an honest approach to reach the quality move. Variations on wall pushups are often even tougher than the regular version.
Always remember to consider your form when performing pushups. Keep your elbows tucked on the brink of your body and your shoulder blades are drawn back and down. Your body should be in a straight line.
Try to make sure that your hands are at the peak of your shoulder through your wall push-up.
• If you stand arm-length distance far away from the wall, point your hands in towards each other at one and a half shoulder-width apart.
• Take a pleasant breath in, slowly exhale as you are available, and push aside from the wall.
• Use your abdominals to prevent your body from sagging.
• Keep your body in alignment through your wall push-up.
2 of 4 Types of Push-ups
Incline Push-ups

Incline pushups are an excellent starter to begin a pushup routine if you’ve got trouble doing the regular one. The exercise targets most of the chest muscles but puts far less stress on your elbows and significantly reduces the quantity of weight you’re lifting. Incline pushups are the right compromise if you have trouble easily getting right down to the ground. Incline pushups can allow you to progress from an easy “push away” from an almost standing position employing a table, countertop, or sturdy chair, and eventually moving to a coffee step or bench.
- Stand facing towards a bench, table, or the sting of a bed.
- Keep your hands on the sting of the bench it should be slightly wider than shoulder-width.
- Align your feet in order that your arms and body are in a straight line.
- Bend your elbows and slowly lower your chest to the sting of the bench and inhale.
- Push your body far away from the bench until your elbows are extended, but not locked. Exhale as you push up.
- Keep going with slow, steady repetitions.
3 of 4 Types of Push-ups

A decline pushup is a complicated variation of the essential pushup that increases the problem significantly by placing your feet above your hands. Adjusting the bench up and down allows you to customize the intensity of your workout with only your body weight. The musculus pectorals is that the prime target of this exercise, however, the peak of the bench slightly changes the main target i.e. a better bench engages the clavicular head of the musculus pectorals major , but not the sternal head of pectorals major. A lower bench focuses on the sternal head of pec major and also engages the clavicular head of pec major acting as a synergist and helping with the movement.
- Kneel down together with your back to the bench. Put your hands on the ground.
- Keep your shoulders over your wrists and elbows at 45 degrees, then place your feet on top of the bench.
- Tighten your core, glutes, and quads. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground, with your back and neck straight.
- Push into the ground to return to starting position, extending your elbows.
- Repeat.
4 of 4 Types of Push-ups
Doing pushups every day is often effective if you are looking for a uniform exercise routine to follow. You’ll most likely notice gains in upper body strength if you are doing pushups regularly. To find your start line, perform as many push-ups as you can while in good form. It might be 10, five, or maybe two. Specialize in hitting this number initially with a day of rest between sessions.
As your strength improves, add more reps, or move to a full push-up position (if you’ve been doing the easier variations) or build up to doing two to 3 sets. Later you can also move on to the advanced variations of the same.
As you progress with the routine, you’ll feel stronger and closer to succeeding at your Push-up. Try it during every workout if you wish or once every week.
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