Going for a walk or a jog is an easy and accessible type of exercise, but lapping your neighborhood can get boring quickly. We have a solution for you to have free and fun ways to improve your fitness that you love the most.
You don’t have to spend a dime to burn more calories or to build healthy muscles. Try these tips to reach your goals quickly.
There are heaps of apps you can download that will transform your walk or run into an adventure. Zombies, Run! This app puts you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, where zombies chase you as you run to gather some much-needed supplies for your community.

Walking meetings
If your workplace demands a lot of meetings, suggest making one a ‘walking meeting’. Head out of the stuffed office rooms to a nearby park or to the footpath and pound out a few steps while you talk business. Don’t forget to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide when you’re outside during the day!
Take an organized dance class, like hip hop, salsa, or Zumba, anything to get your heart rate up. There are so many different styles that you’re bound to find in a class. The motions of dancing work minute muscles that might be missed in straight running or weight training.
Walk on Your Coffee Break
Whew! After a long morning of sitting at your computer, it’s time for a cup of coffee. Why sit back down when you could use your coffee break to stroll and chat with a colleague or two?
Play with Your Kids
When was the last time you climbed a jungle gym or went down the slide? Don’t sit on the bench when you take your kids to the playground. Run, skip and jump alongside them to max your calorie burn and bond with your little ones.
Make Your House Sparkle
Do you groan at a cluttered mess when you walk in your front door? Set a timer for an hour or two and get down and dirty. Depending on your body weight, vigorous housecleaning can burn anywhere from 99 to 150 calories every 30 minutes. Plus, you’ll bask in the tidy glow of your abode afterward.
Do Commercial Break Challenges
Are you watching a Friends rerun for the umpteenth time? Challenge yourself to do 50 sit-ups every time Chandler makes a joke. Alternately, reach for your hand weights or resistance bands during commercial breaks. See how many squats you can perform with perfect form before your show returns. These act as instant timers as you binge-watch your favorite show.
Try out that sport you always wanted to do as a kid
A lot of us get out steps in walking the dog each day. If you’re a dog owner, spice up your routine by taking your dog along to a dog meetup, where you can meet other like-minded pet lovers and go for a walk, run or hike together.
Join a team sport
Playing sport as part of a team can help you get active while making friends and feeling part of your community. This list of links will lead you through to sports clubs and fixtures across the state.
Deep clean
Did you know that getting your house and yard in tip-top shape can be good for your body, too? You don’t need to choose between your household to-do list and heading out for exercise, just pick a job and get moving!
You might not think of it as physical activity, but shopping can add a lot of steps to your day. Next time you need to buy a few things, take the long way between shops, maybe do a little window shopping on the way. Bonus points if you park your car further away from the entrance.
Jumping on a trampoline can be a great way to relax, have some fun and do the moderately strenuous activity at the same time.
If you don’t have a trampoline in the yard, you can head to a trampoline center to have fun on Olympic-sized trampolines, long tumbling runs, and even trampolines that run up the wall.
Fun games
Lemon and spoon races, two-legged races, sack races, wheelbarrow races, there’s nothing like a silly race to get people competitive! If it’s been a while since you balanced a while running or tied your leg to someone else’s, it might be time to play it all!.
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